I swear I’ve been writing in here weekly…

Egads.  It really feels like just a few days since I last wrote here but the timestamps on my blog will prove otherwise.  Things of late have been very busy and more-so due to my wife and I having a new baby.  Now that I’m not sleeping I’ve had a bit more time to get back to other things like sharing with you guys what is going on in the world of SAGA.

I’m guessing most of you active players have noticed we’ve been ramping up the promotion wagon.  This means our population is spiking up and in turn we had some server issues.  The good news is we found the source or the problems with the big disconnects and resolved it.  Since then stability has been remarkably improved.  I’d go so far as to say that server/connectivity issues are mostly gone.  We still have a few odd client issues we’re working through but for many people the game is pretty solid these days.

So where to from here?  The next few months are going to be heavy development time for us.  We’re currently working on the World Conflict system as well as a number of other side systems.  At times it seems like there arne’t many new updates but if I could show you the the code that is being updated/improved/added to you’d be pretty impressed.  I’m not sure if many independant studios churn out as much as we do on our budget.  Our team is pretty amazing.

Coming up real soon is tournaments and the new faction.  There are also a few surprises coming which we haven’t announced yet but they’ll add some really fun diversity to things.  If you can guess what it is then great – if not wait until next patch!

All in all things are going well – check my other posts for more specific SAGA news!

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